EAC Produces TNJ Resilient Webinar Series

Climate Change | News

EAC created and presented a three-part webinar series on resiliency planning co-sponsored by the Together North Jersey (TNJ) Resilience Task Force and the North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority (NJTPA).

Webinar 1: “Climate Change and Wetland Restoration”

Rutgers University’s current projections estimate a 1.4-foot rise in water by 2050, leaving coastal and riverine communities increasingly vulnerable to inundation, flooding, and storm surge. Encroaching sea waters threaten to destroy the integrity of North Jersey’s wetlands, the loss of which means the loss of an important ecological resource and a critical barrier that protects communities from flooding and storm surge. However, by dedicated efforts to maintain existing or new wetlands, communities can reduce vulnerability to the impacts of climate change while preserving important ecological systems. This webinar will introduce participants to:

  • Sea level rise and storm surge projections
  • The threat climate change poses to wetlands
  • The importance of wetlands in mitigating the impacts of climate change
  • Successful wetlands creation and restoration projects implemented by North Jersey communities
  • Funding sources that have supported successful projects in North Jersey

Webinar 2: “Green Infrastructure and Urban Resiliency”

Numerous communities across North Jersey have turned to Green Infrastructure (GI) as a stormwater management solution, often with community input on planning and design. In an urban setting, GI affords wide-ranging benefits. GI is an economical approach to water management that mimics the natural water cycle through the planting of trees and other vegetation. GI also enhances aesthetics and creates opportunities for traffic calming and pedestrian safety.

This webinar explores:

  • Changes in precipitation caused by climate change and impacts on urban communities
  • The benefits of GI
  • Challenges encountered in implementation and maintenance of GI
  • Examples of successful projects and partnerships throughout the state
  • Available funding opportunities

Webinar 3: “Web-Based Coastal Resilience Planning Tools”

Many online tools are available to local decision-makers to understand the future impacts of climate change. This webinar will briefly illustrate the key points of several tools, provide information on useful applications, and direct participants to tutorial and demonstration resources. Communities can use these tools as a starting point to plan for future scenarios. Mapping outputs can be incorporated into conversations with the public or into planning documents or to begin to identify areas for future development based on projected climate impacts. The webinar includes information on:

  • Surging Seas (Climate Central)
  • Sea Level Rise Viewer (NOAA)
  • Coastal Resilience Mapping Portal (The Nature Conservancy)
  • NJADAPT (Rutgers University)

The webinars are available for download here:

Webinar 1:  Climate Change & Wetland Restoration

Webinar 2: Green Infrastructure & Urban Resiliency

Webinar 3:  Web-Based Coastal Resilience Planning Tools

And can also be found on the Together North Jersey Website at:  https://togethernorthjersey.com/?page_id=25349